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  • Writer's pictureharshita sharma

The age that pricks, and blossoms

I've enjoyed writing since I was little. I wrote long essays, little poems on my grandma and wrote letters to all my close friends(I still do that). But only recently have I seen myself use writing as a structure to organise my thoughts and feelings. As a self-discovered mechanism to deal with teenage trauma, different pressures, and pricking insecurities of my own. As I grew, my little world began to also grow. It included so many people who walked in and left at their conveniences, some of them who became my best friends, some of my cousins I bonded emotionally with. But it also had some people who made me realise where I was wrong. Sometimes, we have problems and we choose to let ourselves surrender to it. We pity ourselves instead of standing up, brushing the dirt and walking away. It's because the problems, the pain, they have become a habit. They have become our comfort, we seek the pity of ourselves and of others. We like to 'stay' with our problems. And sometimes, people pity you, express their sympathy, but other times, they don't. And then, we get hurt. But then, we try to get out of the safe zone, and wander in the vulnerable world of risks. And that is the place our hearts are always at a risk of being broken, our dreams are on the verge of being taken away from us and our close friends are always close to becoming strangers to us. But, that is the place where our hearts beat a little faster, that is where we feel alive. And that is where we actually belong, not in a small safe room , but in the vast sky of uncertainty. And I love the people who always challenge me, make me work harder, try new things and dive into the unknown. ' It is in the deepest oceans, that the best pearls are found. '

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