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  • Writer's pictureharshita sharma

The SUCCESS formula

In the quest of marks and the anxiety of future, nearly no one realises what it means to be educated.

Here, we see college dropouts like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs winning at the marketplace, innovating ground-breaking products and services, disrupting the traditonal old-school markets, creating new ones and yet, having coveted lifestyles and world class relationships.

Then, a question arises-'How did they get here? Is it possible for us to reach that level of inner mastery, so that we can lead the field in our craft, make a difference on this planet and be the best versions of ourselves?

The answer is, astonishingly, yes! You too can be the most successful businessman, footballer or artist and live up to your fullest potential. But merely wishing to be successful isn't going to work. What you need is awareness, clarity, and actions that, if consistently done over a long time, will yield staggering results .

There is a famous three step success formula, that the legendary humanitarian 'Robin Sharma' emphasises for success. It says, with better awareness you make better choices, which lead to better results.

Strangely, all world class professionals, extraordinary leaders and successful people in the world have some particular habits in common. Whether it is Mark Zuckerburg, Bill Gates, Michelle Obama or Mark Cuban, all of them have these few habits that they followed for a long time, and has made a difference in their lives-

  1. Join the 5 A.M Club -Waking up before the sun has benefits, that all of you practically know, but have never experienced. Try waking up at five, till it becomes an automated habit, when you start reaping the result of this remarkable habit. Own your morning, elevate your life!

  2. Journal- Maintaining a diary gives you an analytical record of what you planned to do and how much you actually achieved during the day. Working the whole day makes you busy, not productive .Probably, you can increase the productivity by three times, if you plan out your day and write down your to-do list the night before. You can jot down happy or difficult times, and feel lighter in your head, make daily gratitude lists to count your blessings, because the things that get written are the things that get done.

  3. Avoid distractions- In the world of a gazillion distractions, be an 'Arjuna' , with the focus of an undisturbed and undiluted archer, aiming only for the eye of a fish. Working or studying with your social media and Whatsapp notifications beeping,is obviously not easy. While doing the most important tasks for the day, completely keep away from distractions to bring out your most productive nature.

Your devices, are costing you your fortune, your world class life, your true potential! Stick with these habits for atleast a week, for consistently done small changes amount to the difference between the 95% and the top 5%.

Hope this helps you.


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