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  • Writer's pictureharshita sharma

It was,is and will be you @John Green !🖤

“ I’ve lived here for eleven years, and I haven’t seen one person who is concerned about things that really matter.” - Margo Roth Spiegelman Does the phrase ‘ PAPER TOWNS’ ring a bell, anyone? Probably not, because all of us right here , on this very planet, have mistook our routines and desires to be our entire life. The day starts with waking up to Instagram and EAT. WORK. SLEEP. REPEAT. How you felt on the best day of your life , should be how you feel every day throughout your entire life! - Margo Roth Spiegelman We are more than just a combination of a body and a mind. We need to look for the real us, the ‘I’ behind the ‘I love you’. Only then can we look and love the idea of another person that we assume to be ‘You’. We need to steal a glance at the cracks of others, the outer shield that every living being apparently has put on, to hide their flaws and deep truths.We have not truly seen each other face to face, unless we have dived into their stealthy ocean of majestic fantasies that make up for the real them. We are merely looking at the ‘ideas’ of that person , that we have perceived on our own, and somewhere along the lines we want the person to match our perception of them. And if not fulfilled , this is the root of disappointments and heartbreaks. Introspectively, we should look down upon ourselves as an individual, living creation of God, without viewing ourselves through the lens of society. True it is, that connected we are, and not just to our known people but also the strangers by a deep root system. But just as leaves of grass are connected, yet unique ; we also are interconnected, yet are not ready and will never be ready to become one another. Overwhelming hormones make us feel that we are in ‘love’, when we commit to be ‘theirs’ forever. Little do we realise that forever is composed of nows. And the gravest crime a human can commit , is the commitment of themselves to the apparent ‘ idea’ of some other person, even without knowing the real person. It is such a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person, we either idolise them as god or dismiss them as animals- (John Green) Then we seek to gain from the other person, since we have made a ‘commitment’ and feel the need of it to be reciprocated. “I have nothing to gain from kissing her, but I am no longer looking to gain anything.” -Quentin Jacobsen

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