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  • Writer's pictureharshita sharma

How To NEVER Fail Again-


I believe youth all across the globe, has a similar mindset. However, some people, myself included, are sitting in our homes, dreaming so outrageously huge, and then, worrying about letting down our expectations by not fulfilling those goals.

The word 'OVERAMBITION' has recently been associated with greed, an unending desire for more.

The 'HUSTLE CULTURE' is an overpowering desire to achieve a particular goal, usually against all odds, and most importantly, at the cost of mental health, friendships, and everything that comes along.

I learnt it very early, the power of money. At a point, it was all I wanted. Really soon, I realized the futility of success- be it in terms of money, fame, or power, if it is the only thing you have.

This reminded me of the quote-

Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

If you did all the shit you didn't want to do, made your health, head, and relationships suffer, if you spent your entire life on one thing, and still didn't achieve it, how bad will it hit you? Will you ever be able to have faith in yourself again?

Most people won't.

Now, our Youth has seen failure at such an early age, we feel that it is an end in itself. When we don't see light, we assume it isn't there.

Every single year 13 LAKH students, give the renowned JEE, out of which 20000 qualify and only 10000 get admitted to the 23 IITs, which means the probability of getting admission in any IIT, let alone the top 5, is less than 1 percent(0.7%)!

Some goals are so worthy, its glorious to even fail.

The other 99.3% of students are left with crippling depression, mental trauma, and serious loss of confidence. And the struggle doesn't even end when they get into IIT, in fact, IITs have seen a drastic spike in suicide rates of students due to academic failure, as high as 1 suicide per hour!

The conclusion is that yes you need to be self centered and focused to do what your ultimate purpose lies in. Hustle only when you are at your lowest because it only boost your performance for a LIMITED time and then you can be steady and consistent without working in a toxic manner.

Karm woh karo jo karna hi fal lage

As Nike says it best, JUST DO IT, ignore the consequences, focus on the journey, just keep moving like a stream of fresh water.

Be serious when you are required to be, but enjoy everything.

Learn from people around you, even from your enemies, their great qualities. Inculcate a positive psyche, quick decision making and a planned approach to everything.

If you follow this success or failure won't matter. The only thing that will matter to you is getting the task done.

-Harshita Sharma

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